dollar funds

dollar fundsdollar funds
  1. RMB are not subject to as many regulations as dollar funds – such as exchange controls .


  2. Dollar funds will always have a place because when you are trying to grow a busines , you want long term investors , he said .


  3. Domestic Chinese firms continued to expand their investing , with local currency renminbi funds for the first time accounting for more activity during the year than dollar funds .


  4. The ECB and the Swiss National Bank said they had entered into swap arrangements with the Fed to provide up to $ 24bn for distribution to banks in Europe in need of dollar funds .


  5. For US investors , the strength of the dollar as funds have returned has further tarnished the attraction of non-dollar investments .


  6. Furthermore , as many of the western private equity groups raising local currency China funds also have US dollar off-shore funds investing in the country , it is not clear how they will choose which funds to invest in which deals .


  7. The widely held bet on the dollar meant hedge funds enjoyed their best quarter of performance relative to the US S & P 500 index since 2011 , according to the data provider Hedge Fund Research .


  8. The potential of the carry trade as a source of future exchange rate volatility has brought back memories of October 1998 when the yen collapsed against the dollar as hedge funds unwound carry trades in response to the Russian financial crisis .


  9. In the final communiqu é of the Development Committee , shareholders committed to preserving IDA 's financing capacity dollar-for dollar by assuring additional funds .


  10. Traders reported dollar buying by hedge funds taking short positions against emerging market currencies yesterday morning , including the rand , the rupee and the lira .


  11. The central bank accumulated those dollar holdings , which it invested in securities , Treasury and agency bonds , and other seemingly secure dollar funds , some of which were also ultimately secured by dodgy private-sector loans .
